Why do teachers have so much time off? The answer... We don't. It may seem like it as there are breaks and we are off for the summer, holidays, etc. But, the truth is that teachers are always working. There is planning. There is grading. There is thinking... SO. MUCH. THINKING. Thinking about how to solve problems. Thinking about how to reach a student. Thinking about getting a student the additional support they need. Thinking about how to speak to a parent (or fellow teacher or administrator) about an issue. Thinking about learning targets. Thinking about classroom management. Thinking about how to best utilize your time. The list goes on and on and on. It is brutal. I worked for years at a desk job in an office. I would come up with ideas, have meetings, send emails, track sales, etc. I would also sit down all day. Most of my day felt like a break. Now... I am constantly...