Work With Young People In An Online Enviornment

After viewing "Build A School In The Cloud", the Ted Talk from Sugata Mitra, I had many thoughts rush over me. Why are teachers even in a classroom? Is what we do meaningless? Can a computer teach students? I had A LOT of questions. But as I began to think about the questions some more, I inherently knew the answers to all of these questions. Schools were created over three hundred years ago by the British Empire. The technology back then, as mentioned by Mitra was the bureaucratic machine. It was technology built by people. If you were able to read and write, had neat handwriting and were able to add, subtract, multiply and could be a part of something bigger than yourself. Technology has changed throughout the years as have the ways that we use technology. My technology growing up in the late 70's and early 80's was vastly different than the technology that is used today. That said, people find a way to adapt wi...