What Is My Why?

Growing up, I loved music. I tried a few different things on for size while I was going to school for my bachelor’s degree, but nothing really stuck. I did some work in radio, which I loved, and I did not stop pushing until I had the opportunity to work in the music industry. I held a few different specialized positions in marketing while working in the music business. I enjoyed the work immensely, but in the early 2000’s, the bottom fell out of the industry, and I was left trying to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up. After working in music, I had stints in banking, non-profit work and restaurant marketing. By the time I reached my forties, I wondered if restaurant marketing was what I was going to do for the rest of my life. The thought terrified me. I could not imagine the next twenty years of my life going to an office, making phone calls, sending emails and working on spreadsheets. It seemed like a terrible existe...